Wednesday, January 13, 2010

titles are always an issue

I decided to name my blog "your homonormative hiatus" because it was a play on the word "heteronormative" (which is a fun one to pull out in conversation) and alliterated. However, I recently googled the term and found out that it has ironic implications for my purposes.

For anyone reading who isn't obsessed with analyzing power and privilege, "heteronormative" is a word that refers to the assumption that everyone is straight, and that we live in a straight world. No matter how you identify your sexual orientation or gender expression, people generally look at you as if you are straight, because that's what we've been conditioned to do. They will target you in advertising as if you're a woman looking for the man of your dreams, or a man interested in buying the beer that comes with the woman and the car. They will not protect people or give rights to people that aren't straight, simply because those people don't exist, right? And they certainly won't educate you about those people and inequalities/rights movements in your public schools. God forbid.

Anyway, I was reluctant to choose "homonormative" because there is no universal queer experience. Queer people are pervasive. They come from all walks of life (in some walks they can't live openly, but they're there) and they do hundreds of different things. But it alliterated. And alliteration is really great.

The point of this post -- I found out that "homonormative" actually refers to the assumption that all gay people are white, upper class males. Which is EXACTLY the opposite of the truth, and exactly what QEJ is trying to combat. Oops.

I don't know how many of you read this, but I'm opening the forum. What should I retitle my blog? I have always been hopeless at headlines (see? Alliteration - great).


  1. My thoughts-
    1. How established and/or well-known is that definition of homonormativity? You don't necessarily have to accept it.

    2. The title could stay the same even with the definition you mentioned in this post as a double-meaning sort of thing... That is, "homonormative hiatus" could be a hiatus FROM homonormative (the bad kind), and at the same time a hiatus TO homonormative (the fun kind).

  2. another thought.

    maybe just put homonormative in quotations. See below.

    your "homonormative" hiatus.

    because the alliteration is just so satisfying...
