Sunday, January 17, 2010

Gender (specifically, mine)

So with some idle time (Chloe and co. are with the grandparents) I decided to upload a little art project. An incredibly smart researcher from my freshman seminar class, The Mysteries of Identity, asked that all of us make squares of art that represent our gender, or how we feel about gender. I have a natural aversion to art projects, but I got excited about this one. Gender is often on my mind. Shortly after I came out, I made myself sit down for half an hour and ask myself if I was transgender, in case that was another can of worms I'd have to open up and deal with (not like the two are inextricably connected anyway). I decided that my life wouldn't really be better with a penis, or a male identity, and that I felt very comfortable identifying as woman. However, I think about what being a woman means every day.

I made this at the airport to NYC.


  1. Aly Halpert. You rock my world.
    That is beautiful. End of story!
