- The people there acted and sounded as if they could be on TV shows. Max invited a good number of his friends to his house in the course of my two-day stay. I liked how all of Max's male friends had no problem expressing physical and emotional affection to each other, and it wasn't in a joking, no homo way. I've never seen that with Ann Arbor guys - though of course, that's a mass generalization. But anyway, that, paired with their impeccable style and humor, made them seem almost fictionalized. One of them gave me a one-hour professional massage, and that made me like them all even more.
- It's not appropriate to steal swings from small children. On Saturday, it was a miraculous 50 degrees and sunny. Max and I took a requisite walk through Brookdale Park (there's a picture of it, not by me). Brookdale Park is more than 100 acres big, and was the highlight of my break-from-the-city experience - except for that the few swings were monopolized by the under-five crowd. They stared longingly at our seats and we reluctantly relinquished them. Another thing - dog parks are great. I'm honestly terrified by dogs at worst and grossed out by them at best, so it came as a surprise to me that I loved watching the animals off their leashes and cantering around the enclosed area. There was a small-dog area and a big-dog area, and it was funny to compare the two.
- When you combine pasta pizza with Planet Earth documentaries from the Discovery Channel, you can't go wrong. You just can't.
- It's hard to find time to write blog entries/talk to friends/do work there. So now that I'm back in the city, I'll resume all that. Tomorrow I move out of Chloe's house and into Sophia's, and maybe even go ice skating, a fool-proof start to my second week.
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